Construction and Engineering Works 07-Jan-2020 5:00 PM N/a
Amendment 1, RFP #1016-006, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Qushpara Main Canal and Its Structures....
Construction and Engineering Works 07-Jan-2020 5:00 PM N/A
RFP #1016-009, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Sia Aab Secondary Canal and Its Structures....
Construction and Engineering Works 07-Jan-2020 5:00 PM N/A
RFP #1016-008, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Batash Main Canal and Its Structures....
Construction and Engineering Works 07-Jan-2020 5:00 PM N/A
RFP #1016-007, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Mohammad Salabig Secondary Canal and Its Structures....
Construction and Engineering Works 07-Jan-2020 5:00 PM N/A
RFP #1016-006, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Qushpara Main Canal and Its Structures....
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