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RFA 025 for Surgical Assistant Training


Bidding Ends: 24-Jul-2018 4:00 PM
Views: 695
Category / Sub Category: Project Design and Implementation / Education, Training, Capacity Building
Internal Bid Ref: RFA-DAI-WIE-KBL-025
Type of Solicitation: Request for Applications (Grants)
Contract Type: Grant
Estimated Budget: N/A
Delivery Timeframe: 9 Months
Location(s): Kabul, Nangarhar, Balkh, Herat, Kandahar
Bidding Starts: 24-Jun-2018 10:20 AM
Bidding Ends: 24-Jul-2018 4:00 PM
Discussion Ends: 17-Jul-2018 4:00 PM
Current Status: Close Bids


The USAID Women in the Economy Program is seeking grant applications from Afghan or International healthcare training organizations to provide accredited Surgical Assistant Training


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1- Mir Ziauddin (S): Hello Does the organization hire the trainees after graduation? Please give some information regarding recruiting after this program. Thanks    08-Jul-2018 10:28 AM

AWLEprocurement (B): Response - If the training organization has a need for surgical assistants – then yes please let us know. However as discussed in the RFA on page 5 - WIE’s grant program requires that the Grantee achieve a seventy-five percent (75%) job placement rate. Therefore, 75% of all enrolled students that successfully complete the course and graduate must be placed in public and/or private health clinics and/or hospitals, Non-Governmental Organizations, or obtain better employment. Job placement must occur within two (2) months of graduation, with students being placed in full-time or part-time employment. Placements will be verified by WIE’s Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Unit before the final milestone payment is released under the grant. Your organization must assist 75% of graduates find new or better jobs.    11-Jul-2018 8:33 AM

2- Aschkan (S): Can you clarify the skills that are targeted by the Surgical Assistant Training? CAAHEP-certified Surgical PA programmes are post-graduate residencies for existing PAs, and last anywhere between 10 months and 2 years, with a significant clinical exposure component.    09-Jul-2018 6:50 AM

AWLEprocurement (B): Please note: For RFA 025 - Offerors are free to propose training that will qualify Afghan women for jobs supporting surgical units at entry levels. There may be several skill levels associated with surgical assistant. Offerors may propose alternatives with a discussion on why the alternative(s) is/are more feasible or will have a better outcome, for example, training of scrub nurses.    11-Jul-2018 2:51 PM

3- procurement (B): Response - This is a beginning or introductory surgical assistant course and intended to introduce students to basic surgical procedures and techniques for general, gynecological, urological, head and neck surgeries, and appropriate medical terminology and procedures surgical assistants should be aware of. The courses proposed may include on-line learning provided you identify the accredited on-line courses in your application and curriculum. Additionally clinical practical training should also be required. All of these courses include time gaining practical experience through clinicals, where students observe and work with surgeons and surgical assistants.The training duration is limited to eight months as identified in the RFA and your application should reflect this.    11-Jul-2018 8:52 AM

4- Mir Ziauddin (S): Thanks for the response Also I have a question regarding cost share the total grant is 70000 USD is the cost share included 70000 USD or excluded Thank you very much    16-Jul-2018 3:12 PM

5- Mir Ziauddin (S): As we gone through the RFA at page 9 the procurement of office not allowed. but the budget form have the sub total of office equipment. Could you please clarify the Subjected issue? And also does indirect cost mean Admin cost and is that allowed? Thanks and kind regards,    17-Jul-2018 3:18 PM

Buyer Info

Organization: DAI-WIE
Phone: 0785876997
Street: Shash Darak Pharmacy Road
City: Kabul
Province: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan


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