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Samsung Split Air Condition 12000 BTU, 18000 BTU and 24000 BTU-or Equivalent for WIE office


Bidding Ends: 02-May-2017 4:00 PM
Views: 1381
Category / Sub Category: Wholesale and Retail Suppliers / Computers, Electronics, Copiers, and Printers
Internal Bid Ref: RFQ DAI-Promote: Women in the Economy-KBL-067
Internal ICQ Ref: N/A
Type of Solicitation: Request for Quotation
Contract Type: Fixed Price Contracts
Estimated Budget: 0.00
Delivery Timeframe: 7 Days
Location(s): Kabul
Bidding Starts: 23-Apr-2017 1:45 PM
Bidding Ends: 02-May-2017 4:00 PM
Discussion Ends: 01-May-2017 4:00 PM
Current Status: Close Bids


DAI is implementing the USAID funded Women in the Economy (WIE) project across the five major population centers in the regional economic zones of Afghanistan, with program operations for these regions based in Kabul, Herat, Mazar, Jalalabad and Kandahar. The objective of the project is to enable Afghan women to increase their participation in the mainstream, formal economy. DAI/Promote: Women in The Economy wishes to purchase the following goods. Please provide quotations for the services you offer which meet the requirements described


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1- Shafiullah (S): Dear Sir. The mention RFQ No. Air Condition delivery and installation or out of installation?    24-Apr-2017 10:39 AM

2- Mohammad Osman (S): Out of installation    25-Apr-2017 4:36 PM

Buyer Info

Organization: DAI-WIE
Phone: 0785876997
Street: Shash Darak Pharmacy Road
City: Kabul
Province: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan


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