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Facilities Management and Logistical Support Services


Bidding Ends: 24-Jun-2020 4:00 PM
Views: 777
Category / Sub Category: General Services Contractors / General Repair, Maintenance and Installation of Machinery and Equipment
Internal Bid Ref: KBL-001-DAI-ACEBA
Type of Solicitation: Request for Proposal
Contract Type: Fixed Price Contracts
Estimated Budget: TBD
Delivery Timeframe: 30 Months
Location(s): Kabul
Bidding Starts: 25-May-2020 10:30 AM
Bidding Ends: 24-Jun-2020 4:00 PM
Discussion Ends: 24-Jun-2020 12:00 PM
Current Status: Awarded
Company: Hawk Vision-Afghanistan


DAI, the implementer of the USAID-funded Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses Activity (ACEBA), invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver facilities management and logistical support services in support of program operations.


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1- Michelle (B): Questions from Offerors that have participated in Site Visits: Q: For septic tanks monitoring, should we have guys here all of the time, or does ACEBA have staff that will be checking and they can tell us when to come? A: Offerors should have staff that are checking the tanks at least weekly. ACEBA will have operations staff but we do not know when they will be hired yet, due to the COVID 19 lockdown. Q: Should we use our own company's truck to empty septic tanks, or another company will empty the tanks? A: Offeror's firm may provide competitive quotations for septic tank emptying at their own discretion. ACEBA will select the service provider on a competitive basis (availability in timeframe needed, and cost) but they must have a permit to enter the Green Zone. Q: Is fuel for the boiler (heating) separate from or the same as the main diesel fuel delivery? A: Boiler fuel is also diesel, but it is delivered separately to a different tank, about once a year. Q: How much fuel is usually needed in the main Shash Darak complex? A: In winter, about 20,000 liters a month in two deliveries. In summer, about 10,000 liters a month in one delivery. Q: How much water should be delivered? A: Approximately 100 to 150 liters of drinking water weekly in large bottles, and approximately 100 packs of small 500 ml bottles every 20 days. Q: How much propane (cooking fuel) needs to be supplied? A: About 100 K every 20 days. Q: How should the budget be presented? A: Please see Attachment C: Price Schedule    31-May-2020 2:20 PM

2- Michelle (B): Questions from Offerors that have participated in Site Visits: Q: Does maintenance include IT equipment and other office machinery? A: No, it does not include IT equipment or copiers/printers and scanners.    31-May-2020 2:23 PM

3- Fridoon (S): Dear Sir/madam, Greetings! We have a few questions in regard to this RFP. Our questions are classified as: Grounds Keeping: Q1. How will the grounds keeping work? Are we going to have a person hired full-time at your compound for the maintenance and keeping of ground facilities? If yes, how will the working hours and days of our employee be and who would be responsible for providing employee lunch? Moreover, are we going to providing supplies for repairs and maintenance? Logistics: Q2: Are the three drivers for logistics support going to be full-time or in shifts? What will be their working days/hours? and what about their food? General Facilities: Q3: How will the repairs and maintenance of general facilities take place? Are we going to have a representative from your side or we need to appoint our team member for checking your facilities for repairs at your compound? General Question: Q4: How will the operation work? Are we going to have our reps in all mentioned service-department or your team will be conveying us the need for repairs and maintenance? If yes, then will it be in shifts or not?    01-Jun-2020 11:01 AM

ACEBACOP (B): Grounds Keeping: Offerors may supply a full time person, or combination of persons, in order to accomplish both groundskeeping and maintenance. Operation hours of the compounds are typically from 7:30 am to 5:30 PM, working hours are pending the GIROA policy announcement on re-opening of organizations. Employees may bring their own lunch or take lunch at the HQ office. ACEBA will cover the costs of supplies and parts for repairs and maintenance as these cannot be anticipated. Logistics: Three driver for logistics should be full time. Shifts or schedules to accommodate leave will be determined by the ACEBA Operations Manager but these will be during normal working hours. Employees may bring their own lunch or take lunch at the HQ office. General Facilities: Offerors are responsible for proposing how they will undertake repairs and maintenance, given the size of the compounds. General Question: Offerors should propose their best solutions for meeting the requirements of the RFP. In general, a proactive approach is preferred, with routine maintenance being conducted before repairs and maintenance requests from ACEBA become necessary. Offerors my propose shifts at their own discretion, but these should occur during routine operating hours.    02-Jun-2020 2:01 PM

4- Mohammad Younus (S): Q 1: As per Amendment No 2 is the bidder required to resubmit the Technical and Financial Proposal or the number of Chawekers will be deducted from the Financial Proposal of the successful bidder.    18-Jun-2020 4:10 PM

ACEBACOP (B): -    15-Aug-2020 11:42 AM

5- Michelle (B): As per Amendment No 2 is the bidder required to resubmit the Technical and Financial Proposals with the chawkidars removed.    23-Jun-2020 1:18 PM

Buyer Info

Organization: DAI ACEBA
Phone: +93798225414
Street: Kabul, Afghanistan
City: Kabul
Province: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan


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