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RFQ-ACEBA-KBL-2024-0048-Provision of Flat Panel Detectors


Bidding Ends: 12-Jun-2024 4:00 PM
Views: 238
Category / Sub Category: Wholesale and Retail Suppliers / Medical Equipment, Supplies
Type of Solicitation: Request for Quotation
Contract Type: Fixed Price Contracts
Estimated Budget: NA
Delivery Timeframe: 2 Weeks
Location(s): Kabul
Bidding Starts: 13-May-2024 2:00 PM
Bidding Ends: 12-Jun-2024 4:00 PM
Discussion Ends: 28-May-2024 4:00 PM
Current Status: Awarded
Company: sehatandishan ltd


DAI, implementer of the USAID-funded Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses Activity (ACEBA), invites qualified vendors to submit quotations for the Provision of Flat Panel Detectors


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1- shakir (S): I am writing to request more details regarding RFQ Number RFQ-ACEBA-KBL-2024-0048 for the provision of flat panel detectors. Our company is interested in participating in this project and would appreciate clarification on the following points: Eligibility Criteria: Our company holds an ASIA license and specializes in IT solutions. Can you please confirm if companies with an ASIA license are eligible to participate in this RFQ, or is it restricted to medical companies only? Brand Specifications: The RFQ does not specify a particular brand for the flat panel detectors. Would it be acceptable if our company provides an international brand that meets the RFQ's technical specifications but includes a few higher features? Your assistance in providing this information will be greatly appreciated and will help us in preparing a comprehensive and competitive proposal.    22-May-2024 5:55 PM

2- Mohammad (B): Mr. Shakir, your concerns have been addressed as follows: 1) Your company is eligible to apply with the AISA license. 2) Although you are allowed to offer the requested item with the highest features, consider the fact that the proposed item must meet the requirements outlined in the RFQ.    23-May-2024 8:26 AM

3- shakir (S): Thank you for your response sir, one thing more this device is available for both Humans and animals what DAI is looking for? is it required for human or animal hospital    23-May-2024 9:20 PM

4- Mohammad (B): Dear Shakir Sahib, DAI - ACEBA is procuring this device for Humans so please submit your company offer accordingly.    26-May-2024 10:19 AM

Buyer Info

Organization: DAI ACEBA
Phone: +93798225414
Street: Kabul, Afghanistan
City: Kabul
Province: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan


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