Green Sanabil is the trusted company with variety sources to provide and supply the material in the effective efficient way with good quality & lowest price, having good image with national and international organizations stated below: 1- United Nation World Health Organization (Provision of Rented Vehicles Service, IT Equipment’s, Refreshment & Stationary- LTA) 2- Aga Khan Foundation (Provision of 135 PCs Computers & Cool bell Back Bags) 3- Afghanistan Nation Fund (Provision of Stationary LTA) 4- DAI-ACEBA (Provision of Refreshment) 5- Amiri Complex Hospital (Provision of Services-Cleaning, & Networking)
Provision of Services (Rented Vehicles, Networking Services, Cleaning & Food Services). Provision pf IT Equipment. Provision of (Stationary, Refreshment & Supplies). Provision of Security Guard & Cleaner. Provision of Cleaners cooks for for House Keeping.
Business Behavior Variety Sources Lead Time Based Delivery with Lowest price & good Quality Customs Clearance Innovation capability Customer response capability Flexible operation capability Dynamic Capabilities Analysis
General Business Services:
General Services Contractors:
Phone: | 0093789922912 | | |
Street: | Dist#10, Shar-e-Naw Street#2- Shamshad Plaza Flour#4 |
City: | Kabul |
Province: | Kabul |
Country: | Afghanistan |